Watercolor Demo by Susan Bourdet

Gallery Calapooia 222 W. 1st Ave., Albany, OR, United States

Stop by Gallery Calapooia on Nov. 26th to watch Susan Bourdet at work on one of her beautifully detailed watercolor paintings.


Pottery Throwing Demo – “Porcelain Swirl”

Gallery Calapooia 222 W. 1st Ave., Albany, OR, United States

Dennis Johanson will be demonstrating the making of his colorful "Porcelain Swirl" pottery at the gallery on Saturday, Dec. 3, 11:00 - 6:00.  Watch while Dennis form the bowls on his potters wheel. Dennis Johanson at the Wheel


Felt Making Demonstration

Gallery Calapooia 222 W. 1st Ave., Albany, OR, United States

Pat Spark's felt making demonstration earlier this year was a hit at the gallery and now you have another chance to see her process as she demonstrates on Dec. 10 from 12:00 - 3:00.

Print Making Demonstration

Gallery Calapooia 222 W. 1st Ave., Albany, OR, United States

On Dec. 17, Cheryl French will be demonstrating print making techniques at Gallery Calapooia. Stop by to see the magic of the printing press in action.


Pot Throwing Demonstration

Gallery Calapooia 222 W. 1st Ave., Albany, OR, United States

Dennis Johanson will demonstrate throwing pots on his wheel from 11:00 am until 2:00 pm. Watch the demo and then take a look at the Holiday Show in the gallery.


Demo of the Printmaking Process

Gallery Calapooia 222 W. 1st Ave., Albany, OR, United States

A demonstration by Cheryl French will show how she designs, carves, and prints her linoleum block prints. Stop by to watch, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm.


How to Create a Felt Gnome

Gallery Calapooia 222 W. 1st Ave., Albany, OR, United States

Pat Spark will demonstrate how to make Felt Scandinavian Gnomes from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm. Come watch this felt making process.
